Professional Certificate Curriculum
What I have watched and read so far has been fantastic. You definitely have set up your courses with so much information. You take the time to explain and show in detail each step, you offer helpful hints. You speak from experience and from sharing things that you ran into just starting out, to what you are working on next. Literally your courses are an invaluable source for both the brand new beginner and the seasoned veteran. I'm glad I decided to go ahead and go through your courses, instead of just buying your products and beginning to use them on my own. Not because it's not possible, it totally would have been but I would have missed out on so much information about the products themselves, their proper uses and purposes, that make your products
unlike any others out there. The courses are not only teaching and training applications, but they are educating us so in depth on the products that we are able to just tell our own clients about them, and not from memorizing a speech, from merely the story of how and why you developed them in the first place. The what,how and why of the ingredients and reasons that they are so much better for the clients' own lashes and brows. Their superior retention alone would make anyone want to have and use them. It's not hard to understand why we decided to start offering them exclusively. It's hard to understand why everyone isn't?! I can't stop talking about them to everyone I run into. I'm more than excited to practice and finish the certification. I can't wait to try them on some clients and get their feedback.
Thank you for spending so much time with me on the phone, getting my order done, and going over the courses etc. I just wanted to tell you what a great wealth of knowledge and experience you are, and how easy your videos are to understand and follow. Like I said there is something everyone will take away from them. More than well worth it. I wish they would have been the first ones I took in school. You keep it stupid simple indeed! in a nutshell, Kudos to you, they're awesome and you and your products are amazing. I'm so glad I participated in Robyn and Carol's BB Conference and was able to connect with you.
Thank you again,
At LAshX we take health and safety very seriously and feel education is the key to success. While you do not need a license in order to take our certification courses, you may by law need additional training and or licensing in order to work in these specified fields. These courses are meant as an additional training or advancement of regular esthetic or cosmetology training. We do not guarantee work. We do guarantee that you will graduate knowing how to safely perform these services.